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Master's Thesis:
Correlation Between Player Type and Design Features of MMORPGs and Loot Systems

The aim of the study was to correlate the player motivation profile with features of loot systems and define a framework that can help designers. By focusing on the foundation of the game i.e the design of the activities, the rewards, and how these rewards are given to players and incorporate the required fundamental design features of MMORPGs into the game, we can satisfy a majority of the player population. Preliminary evidence was found to support this idea. 

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Resource Sharing in a Competitive Environment

The study aims to shed light on how social circles impact in-game trading. During the experiment, the time taken by the person to share items is measured under two conditions: trading with friends and trading with strangers. The study showed that social circles had minimal impact and players decided based on their own needs.

Usability Test of Craigslist Website

The study focused on the usability of the craigslist's original homepage by creating a modified version of the website and performing A/B testing between eight participants. Participants found the modified/upgraded website to be more user friendly and accessible.

Physiological Differences: Novice & Experienced Players

The aim of the study was to identify the difference in physiological changes in Experienced and Novice players while playing a competitive online game like DotA 2. The study found preliminary evidence that experienced and novice players presented different physiological responses with respect to an in-game situation. 

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