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Project Details

Global game jam webpage:

The game was based on the theme of 'transmission'. Since 'transmission' is defined as passing information between two points we designed a 2 player Metroidvania inspired game. One player was stationed outside the boss room, fought lesser enemies and collected the resources they dropped. After collecting a sufficient amount of resources, the player would then 'transmit' the resources to the second player who was locked inside a room fighting the boss. 

The game was developed using Unity. For this project, I worked on the collision physics for the characters i.e the player avatars and the enemy AI. After collision physics were implemented, I worked on audio. Over the course of the project, I also got experience in working with GitHub as we used it for version control of our game.

The game turned out well albeit for a few bugs. It was an amazing experience overall as we designed and developed a game in 3 days and also presented it for a large audience with a trailer and a demo. 

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